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 What world record can you break?

In jos 
3 participan?i

Numarul mesajelor : 1016
Varsta : 33
Localisation : Braila
Data de inscriere : 05/07/2007

What world record can you break? Empty
MesajSubiect: What world record can you break?   What world record can you break? Empty2007-07-29, 10:13

www.you-are-the-greatest.com What world record can you break?
Loredana Pavel your best chance is to break the record..
What world record can you break? Im004
Balancing on one foot
Current Record:
On May 22-25, 1997, Arulanantham Suresh Joachim from Sri Lanka set a new world record balancing on one foot for 3 days, 4 hours 40 minutes.

ma pun la treaba mort de ras
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Numarul mesajelor : 2632
Varsta : 31
Localisation : Tg Mures
Data de inscriere : 02/07/2007

What world record can you break? Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: What world record can you break?   What world record can you break? Empty2007-07-30, 08:44

mort de ras
Current Record:
On june 18th 2007 Arvydas Gaiciunas from Lithuania kept his head under water for 15 minutes en 58 seconds. His sister Diana who participated in the attempt managed 11 minutes and 57 seconds. The old record which stood for 49 years, was 13 minutes and 42.5 seconds set by Canadian Robert Foster in 1959.
What world record can you break? Im0143
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Numarul mesajelor : 154
Varsta : 31
Localisation : Toplita
Data de inscriere : 16/08/2007

What world record can you break? Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: What world record can you break?   What world record can you break? Empty2007-08-18, 02:10

What world record can you break? Im017

"Typing the most numbers"

Current Record:
On 25 November, 1998, Les Stewart from Mudjimba (Australia) reached his goal of typing all numbers from one to one million - in words (not numbers) on his manual machine.
Seven manual typewriters, 1000 ink ribbons, 19,890 pages, 16 years and seven months later, he finished with the lines "nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine, one million".
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What world record can you break? Empty
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